Lyra XuNov 8SportsAvoiding Early Season Injuries: Helpful Strategies for AthletesAs the school sports season begins, student athletes are eager to return to their courts, fields, and tracks. Nothing can match the...
Bill Li and Aiden KimNov 8School LifeSentinel’s Evening Groove: Jazz CaféThe first part of this article by Bill will seek to emulate the feeling of attending the Sentinel Jazz Cafe. The second part by Aiden...
Valery LouNov 8AdviceWelcome Back, Flu Season: A Guide on Avoiding the Seasonal FluAs someone who gets sick with the flu almost every year, this year was different. After only a week at school, I caught the most horrible...
Leanne ChungNov 8School LifeGrad 2025 Masquerade BallOn November 1st, 2024, the Sentinel Grad Class of 2025 celebrated their semi-formal event with a new and exciting theme: a “Masquerade...
Yu Peng ZhangNov 8Creative WritingJevons Paradox: Unraveling 18th-Century Complex IndustriesIntroduction Imagine you are a time traveler with one mission: prevent the Industrial Revolution from ever happening. What would be your...
Jerry LiangJun 12NewsThe Total EclipseOn April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse moved across North America from Mexico to Canada. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon...
Roy KimJun 12NewsEnhanced Games 2025 - Redefining Athletic CompetitionThe sports world is on the brink of a revolutionary shift with the introduction of the Enhanced Games, set to debut in 2025. Founded by...