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The district’s new CAREERS PROGRAM

Jenna & Alexandra

The brand- new careers program, scheduled to start in the 2019-20 school year, is an interesting development in the West Vancouver curriculum.

In a nutshell, it provides time during the school day for the Career Education program and Flexible Instruction Time (FIT). The 32- minute FIT blocks are flexible in their use, whether to study, collaborate, or ask teachers questions, and will take place 5 days a week. For more details, see the pdf sent to all students.

According to an Instagram poll The Sentinel Sun conducted, approximately 80% of voters liked the new careers program, while around 20% disliked it. However, the sample of around 100 students represents only a small portion of Sentinel’s student population.

Sentinel student & staff reactions:

“It’ll be useful for most people. But some people won’t be doing anything- some people aren’t going to be using their time properly.” ~ Jade, gr. 11

“I’m 50-50. On one hand the time is good, but on the other hand some people might not even show up.” ~ Rosemary, gr. 9

“I like it because you get to study, for quizzes and stuff, instead of going home to study as much.” ~ Delyer, gr. 8

“I’m going to have time to connect with students that need extra help and to maybe offer an extra session, I might even have some time to do some prepping or some marking which is needed by every single teacher in this school, I kid you not… So I’m quite looking forward to it. What’s exciting is the new careers program itself that has enabled that block to exist because it is going to, hopefully, help students’ early days in high school to work on the skills and background knowledge they really need outside of here, to become job-ready, so that’s something to focus on.” ~ Ms. Grey

“As long as the time is used wisely I think it’s pretty positive.” ~ Mr. Hsia

“It will help students to calm down, to have less stress, have more time. In my time I just had to study and be good at school, I didn’t have to also save the world and then be good at music, and then be good at sports and to involve myself in society.” ~ Mme. Lleres

“I am excited about the new curriculum - I think it expands on an already strong program. The competencies taught in the course are, in my opinion, very important to student well- being and future success. As a counsellor, I support the addition of some flex time in the schedule as it provides greater opportunities for me, and others, to connect with students.” ~ Ms. Drew




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