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Teacher Profile: Ms. Malone

Jenna & Alexandra

The Sentinel Staff and Admin play a huge role in our school community and our personal high school experiences. We had the opportunity to interview Ms Malone, one of Sentinel’s new teachers this school year! Ms Malone teaches Foods in Room 255 as well as Blended Planning.

Born and raised in the lower mainland, Ms. Malone realized her calling as a home ec teacher while subbing in elementary schools. This discovery prompted her to return to school to get her post- graduate diploma in home ec and led her to teach in Burnaby for 10 years. Now that she is at Sentinel, we asked her what she thought of us so far? She responds with a smile, “Everyone is very friendly. . . students are respectful and appreciative!”

She’s full of passion and her face lights up as she speaks about her teaching philosophy and her students: Ms. Malone tells us that her goal as a teacher is for students to learn life skills and to think about big topics that affect them and their lives. She hopes that what she teaches is applicable to real life. For Ms. Malone, a highlight in her teaching career is when students are impressed by their own abilities, and realize “Wow, I can do this!”.

Some fun facts about Ms. Malone:

Favourite Ice Cream : cookies & cream

Favourite Trail to hike : Baden Powell

Favourite Cuisines - Indian food, Mexican food, desserts, and salads

Ms. Malone loves and highly recommends The Bakehouse (in Dundarave).

Outside of school, Ms. Malone enjoys hiking, spending time with her kids, doing yoga, doing the Grouse Grind, and running.

And a final and very important piece of advice for students: “Always read the recipe all the way through!”




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