As winter break approaches, along with final deadlines and the anticipation of a socially distanced holiday season, it’s not hard to feel a little worn out. Giving up family gatherings and fun winter activities in the name of safety, while it is a worthwhile sacrifice, can be tough.
But hope is not lost! Even in the most challenging times, there is one thing we can turn to that never lets us down: dogs!
So, as you head off into the holidays, our gift to you is another round of Sentinel S-paw-tans! We hope each sweet, friendly face reminds you that the holiday season is all about joy-- wherever you can find it.
Lupe (age 6 months)

You can’t tell me that this dog was not a model in a past life. The moodiness in her eyes, how her whiskers are so perfectly curled, how she poses with such natural grace. Lupe is definitely going to give Kendall Jenner a run for her money.
She also has that cool-girl attitude. She’s got places to be and doesn’t have time for the paparazzi. TMZ says that she has a habit of…”borrowing” things (notably, her favourite food, bananas), but soon she won’t need to. She’ll be signed to a modelling agency that will have people practically laying bananas at her paws.
Sentinel loves you, Lupe!
Rating: 10/10
Orville (age 2)

Sunshine in its purest form, Orville brings joy to the world with his smile. He has the best gingerbread recipe and won’t hesitate to share it, and he sends very thoughtful ‘thank you’ notes to everyone who gives him presents. Who wouldn’t want to give Orville a present?
Orville is just one of those dogs that you know you can rely on to light up your holiday parties Need an icebreaker? You bet Orville’s got a great anecdote to share. Need someone to get the dance floor going? Orville knows some sweet moves - and he will not hesitate to invite ALL of the dogs to dance with him!
Sentinel loves you, Orville!
Rating: 10/10
Dom (age 4)

Dom is a kind soul - he’s the kind of guy who you’re excited to see on the holiday zoom call. He’s definitely the shoulder to cry on of the friend group - his cute big ears can listen to your problems for hours and his little doggy brain knows just what to say to make you feel better.
Dom is the kind of dog to send you an email out of nowhere saying that he’s there for you “during these unprecedented times,” and that “when this is all over,” he’ll be taking you on a lunch date and “finally we won’t have to sit 6 feet apart!” But we love him for it. We love him for his unwavering positivity!
Rating: 10/10
Kyro (age 1)

Kyro is the true embodiment of winter fun! I bet he's personally friends with Santa Claus and hangs out in the North Pole just eating doggy cookies all day!
His devotion to the holidays adds to his child-like vibe. He probably plays Fortnite, but not because he thinks it’s “cool”, but because he actually enjoys it! He listens to the Top 40, but he's probably happier than all of us. (Kyro is absolutely bumping to “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. He’s not ashamed.)
Kyro believes that life is all about just doing what makes you happy. Sentinel loves you, Kyro!
Rating: 10/10
Coco (age 1.5)

Coco is the protagonist of every single Christmas movie. She’s the girl who travels back to her small, Midwestern hometown to ground herself during the holiday season. But her Hallmark story is different from the cliche. She doesn’t need to find a man at the end of the movie; all this doggy needs is friendship and some treats!
Like her namesake, Coco is sweet. She’s loved by everyone. When she returns to her hometown, the locals at the diner all remember her, pat her on the back and say, “I’m glad you’re back. The holidays haven’t been the same without you." She is definitely the first to make a speech about what she’s grateful for. But what we’re really grateful her.
Rating: 10/10
Rommel (age 7)

Rommel simply radiates “Fireplace Channel” energy, in that he is warm, reliable, and all-knowing. When you look into his eyes, you can see all the secrets of the universe. He knows which came first, the chicken or the egg. He knows what’s at the bottom of a black hole; he’s been there. He’s seen it all. Maybe too much.
But if you’ve ever had a burning question (what WAS it like in New York City, Delilah?), Rommel knows the answer. You and your friends can gather around the warm fireplace while he sits in his antique armchair and listen as he bequeaths his wisdom to you all, sipping shrewdly on his mug of chai with that familiar twinkle in his eye.
Sentinel loves you, Rommel!
Rating: 10/10
Beanie (age 8)

Beanie is definitely a “tough love” kind of guy. Some may be intimidated by him, but on the inside, Beanie is a softie. He’ll tell it to you straight, but only because he cares for you that much. He’ll tell you when you have spinach in your teeth and he’ll give you his real opinions on your English essay so that it is the best that it can possibly be.
He just wants you to succeed. And once you’re friends with Beanie, he won’t turn his back on you. Anyone who so much as LOOKS at his friends the wrong way better watch their back...this pup is Loyal (emphasis on the capital L). Thank you for being such a reliable friend, Beanie, and for being so cute while doing it.
Rating: 10/10
Thank you to all seven of these lovely S-paw-tans! Tune in next time for more dog features, and be sure to DM a photo of your dog to our Instagram page if you want to be featured!