Amidst the chaos of AP classes, the beginning of a new quarter, and a global pandemic, it’s easy to feel lost in the gloom of it all. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder, and it feels like sunshine is months away…right?
Not quite! If there is anything that life in Vancouver teaches us, it’s that we have to look hard for the sunshine in life. And if there’s one thing that’s bright enough to push away the rain clouds, it’s pictures of dogs.
So, without further ado, let some of Sentinel’s friendliest pups sweeten your day. Along with the photos, enjoy an entirely made-up character analysis. Things have just been getting too serious lately, haven’t they?
Guinness (age 10)

Sad eyes; impeccable style. Guinness is serving looks in every sense of the word. While she regrets a great deal (as she has seen a lot in her ten years), there is an impenetrable strength in that mournful gaze. She shouts it into the backyard, some nights: “Och aye,” she calls (she is Irish), “I am unbreaking!”
Guinness knows who she is. And she knows who you are, too. Maybe better than you do.
Sentinel loves you, Guinness. Keep being you.
Rating: 10/10
Chip (age 7)

Chip is no ordinary dog. No, this is the face of a model. This kind of photo presence doesn’t just come out of nowhere. He knows what he’s doing, and what he is doing is POSING.
Various big-name brands have practically begged Chip to model for them, but he just isn’t in it for the money. (He doesn’t like to name-drop, but one of them might just rhyme with ‘Bet-Smart…) Instead, he prefers to support small sustainable businesses in BC. I guess you could say he’s a philanthro-pup…
Sentinel loves you, Chip!
Rating: 10/10
Kettles (age 4)

Kettles truly gives life to the phrase “blondes have more fun.” Graceful Queen of the Outdoors, she brings joy to all she meets. When she goes to the dog park, all the other dogs come and drop their toys at her feet, because they’re just hoping she’ll give them a glance. She’s that kind of girl.
Though she’s dazzlingly beautiful, Kettles isn’t really one to notice all of that. She’s down to earth. She listens to folk music and she is in several niche Facebook groups called some variation of “Mother Nature is a Dog and She’s Howling” (A.K.A dogs against climate change).
Sentinel loves you, Kettles. Keep up the good fight. Rating: 10/10
Roxy (age 5.5)

Ethereal beauty! Roxy is the kind of dog who gets songs written about her. She has the mind of a poet and the spirit of an adventurer.
Roxy could write ‘Here Comes the Sun,’ but the Beatles could NOT look this serene in a meadow.
Queen of cottagecore… keeper of hearts. Is there anything she can’t do?
You rock, Roxy! Sentinel loves you!
Rating: 10/10
Murphy (age 5)

If Murphy were in a book, he would be the omniscient narrator. It may look like he’s just thinking about his birthday muffins, but he is also thinking about your deepest fears, desires, and convictions. He’s versatile like that!
Soft-pawed and all-knowing, Murphy uses his unlimited power for good. Rather than exposing government secrets and unleashing worldwide chaos, he’s the kind of guy to come wag his tail around when you’re having a bad day instead.
Sentinel loves you, Murphy! You know we do.
Rating: 10/10
Bob (age 5) & Buster (age 9)

Bob and Buster are to doggy-duos as Meryl Streep is to actresses… unparalleled! Incomparable!
In a previous life, Bob and Buster lived in a Manhattan apartment and worked for a well-regarded advertising company, where Bob came in strong with big ideas and Buster reworked them so that they were usable. Their dynamic has always just worked like that.
But despite their big city life, they never forgot their rural Pennsylvania roots… they didn’t go to ‘big-city parties,” or drive a car, or pay their taxes… Bob and Buster lived simply and meaningfully. Just like they do now! (Just less tax evasion, and more treats!)
Sentinel loves you, Bob and Buster! Never change!
Rating: 10/10
Bruges (age 4 months)

Bruges is dashingly handsome. Young, wild, and carefree, other dogs at the beach wish they could be as cool as he is, but he has just raised the bar too high.
Despite his style and popularity, Bruges is the kind of dog who would wait for you to tie your shoe if you fell behind the group. If it was late and you needed help with your history homework, Bruges would help you out-- no questions asked.
And on a ruff day, he’d always be there to cheer you up. That’s why he’s one of a kind!
Sentinel loves you, Bruges!
Rating: 10/10
Thank you to our first seven S-paw-tans! Tune in next time to meet more of our canine friends!
Note: If you sent your dog in and they were not featured, don’t fear; expect to see them in Volume 2! We want to make sure every pup gets the spotlight they deserve!