by Erin W.
As we settle into a new school year, there is much to be excited about. Back in the same place, surrounded by the familiar friends, teachers, and routines that most of us know so well, it’s easy to feel like nothing has changed. But there are some new faces at Sentinel that need introducing! Two new teachers have joined our school community this year:

1. Ms. Pla
Ms. Pla teaches French and Sciences Humaines in the French Immersion department of Sentinel. She has been a teacher for 17 years-- she taught for 13 years in her home country of France, before moving to Canada and teaching here for another 4 years. She says that her main classroom philosophy is that “everyone has a place in my class. Everyone can improve, and hopefully I will be able to support every student even if they do not believe they can.” Her favourite part of Sentinel so far is how welcoming everyone has been, and she is looking forward to being able to do great projects with her students once they’re more settled in. “Everything is a discovery for me,” she says, “and I really enjoy the adventure.”

2. Ms. Popov
Ms. Popov has been teaching for 7 years. She is a Science and French Immersion teacher, currently teaching French Immersion Science 9, Science 9, Science 10, and Français Langue 10 at Sentinel. “My philosophy,” she says, “is that students should be given opportunities to demonstrate their learning in different ways.” She lists Sentinel students as her favourite part about our school so far, describing them as “hardworking, kind, and polite,” and says that she is “excited to continue getting to know the staff and students” at Sentinel!
Our school community strives to be welcoming and to treat new students and teachers alike with kindness and friendliness. Be sure to greet Ms. Pla and Ms. Popov if you run into them in the hallway-- let’s give them a warm Sentinel welcome!