Although returning back to school after a restful two weeks of spring break is never too enticing, it equally serves as a great opportunity to uncover new hobbies and coping mechanisms to keep yourself motivated as a student. That being said, we hope you take a study break with us and enjoy this article about a few of our favourite rocks and crystals! These stones not only make beautiful pieces to a collection but also possess many purposeful uses and healing properties that you can gear to benefit your everyday life.

1. Lepidolite
Lepidolite can be described as layered plates (or “books”) of short prismatic crystals. It is most commonly found in the colour of a mute lavender, but can also be yellow, grey, white or colourless. This crystal is known for its beneficial qualities in learning, studying, as well as personal awareness and change. Lepidolite is a very calming crystal and has been found helpful for stress, depression, distrust and other related conditions.

1. Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a stone of pink crystalline masses, representing unconditional love and infinite peace. This stone is known as the ultimate emotional healer; it encourages self-love, forgiveness and the release of unexpressed emotions, which provides reassurance and a calm mind. By drawing love towards you, the Rose Quartz is beneficial for relationships, rekindling romance, as well as restoring trust and harmony.

3. Malachite
Malachite is a green rock with picturesque black bands and is an important protection stone. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the environment and the body, which serves to clear the “smog” that clouds your aura. The healing qualities of this stone consist of endurance and emotional balance; it can help one break out of unwanted ties and outworn patterns, as well as take responsibility for their actions, thoughts and feelings.

4. Amethyst
Amythest neutralizes negative energies and is excellent for meditation. That being said, Amethyst can be used to calm emotional energy, oversensitivity, nerves, as well as aggressive and violent tendencies. Opposingly, it is able to enhance one’s aura and self-esteem, which has been found to support decision-making, coping with responsibility, as well as negotiation skills. Overall, Amethyst is the ultimate stone for physical, emotional and mental balance.

5. Moonstone
Moonstone, like the moon itself, is a reflective stone, representing that everything is a part of a cycle of change. Perceived as a stone of new beginnings, it can help with adapting to change and lessening one’s tendency to overreact emotionally, but equally, amplify the emotions of sensitive individuals at full moon. Therefore, this stone is great for releasing energy blocks and combatting repeated patterns.
Whether this article has sparked your interest in owning some exceptionally pretty rocks, or grown your fascination for the emotional and spiritual benefits that they offer, we hope that you can take away any information that may come to improve your own personal lifestyle. If we have convinced you to start a crystal collection of your own, then grab your Lepidolite for those math problems you need to finish, take some calming study-breaks with your Amethyst and let’s get ready to tackle these last couple of months like the driven Sentinel students we are!