With the final weeks of school upon us, we decided that it would be fitting to take a look back at some of the most memorable moments at Sentinel. From the beginning of term 1 until now, there have been tremendous accomplishments from students and teachers that we encounter on a daily basis. It would be too difficult to touch on all of them - and some would certainly be excluded - so we decided to ask the students what stuck out as most “memorable” in their minds.
For a handful of grade 8 students, “the music christmas concert” seemed to be a fun experience and another common highlight was, “meeting Mr. Johnston” and “going to his class”.
As we interviewed more people representing each grade, new fond memories and events kept coming up, such as:
“The cross country team”
“Math class with Mr. Naami”
“Bubble tea sales
“Track and field meets”
“Soccer games at Ambleside”
“Me to We club”
“Eating the school rice krispies”
"Multicultural lunch"

If we did not have the chance to interview you, please take a minute to reflect back on your year at Sentinel and think of one great memory. Maybe it is the same as one we already mentioned, but it is guaranteed that everyone had an enjoyable experience at one point or another. As school can at times be stressful or difficult, we encourage everyone to show a little gratitude and seek to enjoy the last few weeks of school by creating new memories before departing for an awesome summer break!