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Is there too much pressure for kids to get into top universities?

Jenna & Alexandra

This is the question the Sentinel Sun asked a sample of Sentinel students through an Instagram poll. Here are the results:

A significant majority-91% of student voters- agreed that there is too much pressure for kids to get into top universities, while 9% disagreed.

As 1st term comes to a close, with its abundance of high-stakes assignments and tests, the stress is tangible for many students. In times such as these, high school does not seem like the idyllic atmosphere you dream of in grade 7, but more like the stressful atmosphere your parents complain about.

When asked the follow-up question, “Where does this pressure mainly come from?” and given the option between “peers” and “parents,” 37% voted peers and 63% voted parents:

While the results of the polls in no way represent the opinions of Sentinel’s whole student body, they are a group of diverse students ranging from grade 8 to grade 12.

The results of the 2 questions, however, do lead to another question: “Why this high amount of stress?” From a historical standpoint, there has been a shift in the university applications system which results inevitably in a shift in the high school system and mentality. Not only has college tuition “significantly increased since the 1980s,” according to Business Insider, college enrolment has also greatly increased, creating more competition and driving up the stakes. Sentinel AP English teacher Mr. Fuller, agrees, citing the pressure as deriving from the “ university admissions process,” and stating that “[i]t’s not the fault of the unis per se but there are more applicants now. How can [colleges], in a feasible way, get the same number of applicants?” This phenomenon leads inevitably to stress at the high school level.

Some interesting responses from Sentinel students and staff…

“The pressure comes from mostly peers. People pressure you. One person wants to get into a top uni, then I want to be as good as them. It’s the expectation you set for yourself.

- Chloe, Grade 12

“I do feel too much pressure to get good grades to get into top universities or universities that are “good enough”--the pressure comes from peers, parents, and teachers .”

- Cami, Grade 11

“Yes I feel that there is a lot of pressure from peers, teachers and family for kids to get into university. I feel like the pressure comes from all those things but a lot of it is the pressure that we put on ourselves. Yeah, I already feel this pressure and I’m only in grade 10!”

- Gabi, Grade 10

“I think there is a substantial amount of pressure to get into a top university from my peers, teachers and parents. As well as to do all the top courses (AP etc.) in high school from my friends in the hope to improve your chances of getting into a good university and having a successful career and such.”

- Priya, Grade 10

“Yes, there can be pressure to get into a top university. Mostly by parents, but also by other students. Though I think that, in my experience, when you see your peers doing well you want to match that and/or exceed that… Parents can also put pressure on you but it depends on how hard they are on you as well. Some parents just want their kids to do well and others want theirs to become superbly successful. I already feel this pressure a little but that’s only because I am hard on myself sometimes, otherwise, my parents are probably waiting until grades 10, 11, 12 to pressure me.”

- Armita, Grade 9

“Not really a concern for us in grade 9!”

- Veronica and Nora, Grade 9

“I think this pressure comes from society [because] Society basically judges me and decides whether or not I can pursue my dreams. If they don’t think I can do it then I have to find something else. I also believe this pressure comes from family… I feel as if I don’t get into a top university or university at all my parents will consider me a failure… They already have saved money for me going to university. I feel like even as a grade 9 student I already experience stress and anxiety related to university... Overall, I believe there is too much pressure to get into university and that it should be less stressful and a bit easier to get into university.”

- Julianne, Grade 9

“Here we are, in Vancouver, the North Shore, West Vancouver, Sentinel, AP cohorts of students maybe even more specifically. We’ve arrived at a cohort of students at the high school level who are extremely focused on achieving university admissions. So if we talk about pressure, it’s important to remember the context.”

- Mr. Fuller

A huge thank you goes out to all Sentinel students who voted in the poll as well as provided their insight in response to these relevant and problematic questions. If any readers have any suggestions or simply opinions they want to share in the future, please connect with us on our Instagram page @sentinelschoolblog.

Works Cited:

Hoffower, Hillary. “9 Ways College Is Different for Millennials than It Was for Previous Generations.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 24 Sept. 2018,




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