by Maria V.
It seems like there is little we can do to lower our effects on climate change. However, we have a chance to change the future by changing our daily behaviour, and ensuring that we are conscious of how our everyday choices can influence the environment at a larger scale. While the process of changing our habits can be difficult, every small action matters.

Firstly, there are a number of general changes everyone can make in their routines to be more environmentally conscious. For example, walking home once a week, or taking transit. This will help reduce carbon emissions, and daily exercise has proven benefits such as reduced stress. If this is not possible, even one of these following ideas can lessen the environmental impact.

Everyone likes to eat, but most of the time, food has consequences. For example, certain apples could be shipped from thousands of miles away, contributing to high amounts of pollution. It can be difficult to find grocers that are environmentally friendly, but farmers’ markets, Whole Foods, and some other independent stores all support environmental awareness.

While computers are becoming more and more integrated into our education system, many teachers still require notebooks for their classes. Luckily, there are many companies that have created sustainable versions of notebooks that do not compromise functionality. Decomposition Notebooks, Karst Stone Paper, and Eco Paper are all good options that can be found at local retailers and they too support the environment.

On the other hand, another way to eliminate the use of paper, computers are as, if not more, effective as paper at taking notes. If the teacher allows it, the switch to online note-taking helps to reduce our reliance on paper, which is often associated with many different chemicals and pollutants. Moreover, computers can organize notes and even reduce spelling mistakes!

Sentinel has many different environment clubs that are free to join and usually only meet once a week during lunch. It is also possible to create a new club that helps clean up beaches,, fundraise for environmental charities, and implement new environmental solutions in the community. The clubs spread the message of helping the environment throughout the entire school and can inspire other students to make a change.
Even around Sentinel, students are making changes to become more sustainable. We are using the compost bins, choosing reusable containers, taking the bus, and eating less meat (one of the leading causes of global emissions). We are all starting to make an effort and we all have the potential to make an impact. Perhaps it’s time to reflect and ask the question, ‘What are you doing to help create positive change?’
Often we hear the common argument of, “What’s the point in buying sustainable fruit when we are all driving around in Jeeps and Hummers?” However, the short-term goal is not to eradicate all pollutants to the environment, arguably, the goal should be to create small changes that lead to a gradual cultural shift. Decreasing your impact on the environment can be a difficult process, but if everyone makes an effort, no matter how small, change will happen.