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Get excited for Sentinel's 2024 trip to Italy!

Anncia Li and Michelle Zhou

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Attention Grade 10 and 11 students at Sentinel Secondary School! We’re sure everyone has heard the news floating around, but for those still in the dark, Sentinel students will get the extraordinary opportunity to experience Italy during the 2024 Spring Break! This is huge! Since the pandemic, Sentinel hasn’t been able to have any international trips like this—until now.

This 11-day adventure will take students to some of the most stunning and iconic destinations in the country, including Rome, Venice, Florence, Pisa, and Pompeii. The trip will be teacher chaperoned, you'll be free from the limitations of a family holiday and you can enjoy a change of scenery from Vancouver's sad grey skies.

International travel has always been known to be transformative, broadening students' minds and challenging their worldviews. The experience of seeing history firsthand while exploring a different culture is invaluable and can have a lasting impact on the students' lives. It's an opportunity for students to develop empathy, compassion, and a greater understanding of the world outside their own communities. More importantly: it’s an opportunity to GO ON A TWO WEEK TRIP WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS! I mean come on, do I have to spoon feed the idea to you?!

Now, you might be wondering: what exactly is there to see on this trip? Because though the idea is certainly intriguing, I’m sure many students are busy off with their own thing during the spring break time. Well, let’s break down some of the locations the trip is set to visit. When the students of Sentinel travel to Italy, they will get the opportunity to visit some of the most majestic and historical places in the country. Here's a brief summary of some of the places you might get to explore…

First is Venice, the floating city. Known for its unique canal-like transportation system, Venice is a city built on water and famous for its stunning gothic (how emo!) architecture. Students will have the opportunity to ride a gondola and explore Burano, the island famous for its colourful houses.



A view of Florence on a beautiful day.

Afterwards is the stunning Florence. Assassin's Creed players, you'll love this one! Often referred to as the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence is famous for its stunning art, architecture, and history. Students will get to see the iconic Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio, Basilica of Santa Croce and the Gates of Paradise.

Santa Croce in the 1985 movie A Room With a View.

Then we have Pisa—which likely already brings a certain historical landmark to mind. Known for its iconic Leaning Tower, Pisa is a picturesque town that students will have the opportunity to explore on this trip. They'll get to see the tower leaning at an angle of more than five degrees (how intense!) while also getting to see other stunning artwork and architecture in this historical city.

The Roman Forum and the Colosseum.

On the 7th and 8th day, you'll be in Rome. As the historic capital of Italy, Rome is one of the most iconic cities in the world. It's rich in ancient architecture, from the famous Colosseum to the awe-inspiring Pantheon. There are also many well known landmarks, such as the iconic Vatican City, the seat of the Catholic Church. There's also the famous Sistine Chapel, the ceiling of which was painted by Michelangelo. What's more, the 8th day is free for you to "Rome" around Rome with your friends. Italian cities are known for their walkability, so you can reach all the well-known attractions with your own two feet, and discover new favourite places along the way.

Last but certainly not least is Pompeii. This ancient city is perhaps the most famous place to visit in Italy after Rome. It's known for its incredible history, as it was buried under a massive volcanic eruption in 79 AD, effectively preserving it in time! Many attractions around the city show it as it was in its heyday, and let you explore the ruins and get to see what life was like for the ancient Romans. Not only that, but on the day before departing, you'll get to spend time on the beautiful island of Capri, a popular holiday destination for Italians.

A terrace with a breathtaking view of Capri and the striking blue waters of the Mediterranean.

This trip is jam-packed with the best and most well-known parts of Italy. There's so much to enjoy on this amazing trip, including the delicious food, breathtaking landscapes, and the friendly and welcoming people. It's an incredible opportunity at this age to have such a travel experience—you'll be free from your parents, but still safe knowing that the school has your back.

Although the original 36 spots for the trip are now full, it's always a good idea to put yourself on the waitlist! Due to the overwhelming amount of student interest in the trip, Mr. Gibson made an announcement that there may be a chance for more people to still enjoy Italy. Join the Google Classroom for more updates and information with the code 7yovvuj. There's information about the itinerary and pricing on the EF Tours website. If you're interested, let your parents know to join the upcoming parents' information session on the evening of June 7th. This trip is first come first serve, so don't miss out on this memorable opportunity of a lifetime!




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