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Fine Arts: Artists for Kids Annual Art Challenge!

Jenna & Alexandra

By Mimi Marshall

This year, the Sentinel Secondary Fine Arts department is proud to have received an innovation grant from Artists for Kids, a Vancouver based fine arts initiative, providing grade 11 art and sculpture students with the amazing opportunity to participate in AFK’s annual art challenge! This year, the theme of the challenge is, “Dwelling”, and students are set to work with Vancouver based artists Emily Newfeld and Tajliya Jamal to learn about how artists work creatively and innovatively with inquiry.

Illustration by Tajliya Jamal

Installation by Emily Newfeld

In February, our aspiring artists will embark on an exciting field trip to see the Dwelling: People and Place exhibition at the Gordon Smith Gallery in North Vancouver. Through viewing the work displayed at the exhibition, students will learn how contemporary artists use their art form to explore complex ideas; in particular, the relationship between people and their environment.

In March, Emily Neufeld and Tajliya Jamal (Sentinel alumni) will visit the school to work directly with participating students! Students will learn not only drawing, sculpture, and design skills, but they will also be given the rewarding opportunity to explore thematic artistic themes with talented contemporary artists. Ms Hambly, one of our incredibly progressive Fine Arts teachers, details these themes with the following questions:

  • How do Artists create and work with inquiry?

  • How can students make connections to their own inquiry?

  • How can art Connect to real-world creative discourse?

  • Can art create social change?

  • Do artists have a role in reflecting and commenting on the society in which they live?

Finally, after much valuable, exciting, and inspiring learning experiences with local artists, our young artists will create their own pieces in response to the theme of Dwelling! Students will work with either drawing, collage, or sculpture, and will be able to apply their creative, conceptual thinking skills to produce beautiful and profound works of their own.

This year is definitely one to be remembered for our Fine Arts program! We are so thankful to Artists for Kids for generously providing our Grade 11 art students with such a valuable opportunity, and we are so excited to see their work!

Engaging with the creative side of our minds often gets pushed to the bottom of our lists among the business of our school-dominated schedules. But engaging in the artistic side of the world does not always have to be a commitment; for some, it could just mean…

  • creating a quick sketch of something you love,

  • checking out an art gallery with some friends,

  • watching a classic film,

  • trying out some photography,

  • writing a short poem,

  • creating your own music,

  • or even just reading about an artist or style of art that interests you!

Often times, we are quick to judge ourselves on our skill level or how “good” our art is, and we may be discouraged from continuing to create because of this. But we encourage you to consider creating just for the sake of creating, no matter how much “skill” or experience you have! When we set aside expectations of ourselves and just let ourselves unleash our creativity, it can be a fantastic way to unwind and relax.

Be sure to look out for the Dwelling inspired pieces in the Fine Arts Show, coming up in May!

Elementary students view a work by Atilla Lukacs at the Dwelling: People and Place exhibition

Dwelling: People and Place at the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art




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