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Christina Zhang & Parto Balazadeh

Course Planning for 2022/23: A General Guide and Some Advice

Course Planning for 2022/23: A General Guide and Some Advice

As course selection for next year is fast approaching, it is natural to be intimidated by the process given the extensive array of courses offered at Sentinel. However, in this article we have outlined suggestions and information with a student-centred perspective to hopefully assist you in deciding what to take!

For rising tenth graders

If you are in Grade 10 next year, this is very exciting news because you get to pick from a diverse range of courses for the first time. Sentinel offers a wide variety of Pre-AP courses, AP courses, ADST electives, art courses, and language classes—this all may seem quite overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be!

First of all, don’t panic. Read through the Course Handbook and think about what subjects speak to you the most. If you are looking to challenge yourself, Pre-AP courses are the way to go, as they can better prepare you for AP courses and exams if you are considering taking them in the future. This includes Pre-AP Literary Studies and Composition 10, Pre-AP Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10, and Pre-AP Science 10.

If you wish to go above and beyond, research the prerequisites for courses you plan to take in your future grades and consider taking those, as it will save you time and stress. Your future self will thank you for thinking ahead!

For rising eleventh graders

Although Grade 11 signals that you are a year closer to graduation, it is also the time to begin narrowing down your options and selecting courses for whatever post-secondary path suits you. A good place to start would be by looking into the prerequisites of undergraduate programs of your interest. Whether it is regarding your GPA, course requirements, or extra-curricular activities, learning these prerequisites can be vital in planning out your courses and activities.

In addition, there are various Advanced Placement courses available during your junior year. As an eleventh grader, it is important to assess the opportunities at your disposal such as programs like AP Seminar and the AP sciences. Taking an AP class showcases your strong academic will and capabilities, and also gives you a head start in university. Of course, you have to keep in mind that you will be within a fast-paced environment with more difficult material covered. Regular classes are often more thorough and could be a better fit than honours classes for you. We recommend that you critically evaluate your personal abilities and avoid comparing yourself to your peers.

There are also many out-of-timetable courses available in the West Vancouver school district, and these various premier programs and academies can further your learning in different areas. These include but are not limited to Honour Choir, First Aid Swim Training (FAST), baseball, soccer, and robotics.

For rising seniors

You are almost there! In the last stretch of your high school career, course selection is more important than ever. Hopefully by now, you have curated some sense of direction of what you want to do after graduation, whether it be a solid idea or a vague feeling. Either way, you are on the right track—keep following what you want to do and plan your courses accordingly! When selecting courses, remember to take into consideration the added workload of potential university applications and/or other responsibilities while also putting time aside to relax and spend time with loved ones. With this additional workload, a spare may be efficient to help with your time management.

Many courses are two-year courses or continuations of each other, such as AP Physics I and II or AP Capstone Seminar and Research. If you took these courses in Grade 11, evaluate whether you think it is in your interest to continue these programs.

We understand that Sentinel is quite academically competitive and students may feel pressured from their surroundings to choose as many enriched courses as possible. While it can be beneficial to challenge yourself, it is important to organize your schedule according to your personal interests and the appropriate classes for your future endeavours. Whatever your course selection may look like for the upcoming school year, make sure to plan ahead in order to avoid academic burnout. Don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers and counsellors either—they can guide you in the right direction by providing you with the course content and information. Also, there are always older students in the school who you can reach out to for some insight into specific courses—you are never alone!

Cover photo by Jihoon You




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