Are you a Spartan with a love for visual art? Do you enjoy the thrill of writing intricately crafted verses of poetry, or enthralling readers with brilliant passages of prose? Unfortunately as youth, it can feel hard to get our voices heard and share our stories in the community. However, in this article, we’ve compiled a list of four amazing art and writing opportunities and contests that can help you get your work out there. All four contests are either ongoing or have approaching deadlines in the next few months, so read on and get to work on your submissions!
1: The Ocean Awareness Art Contest
We love a good contest that mixes creativity and storytelling with activism! Under the 2022 theme “The Funny Thing about Climate Change',” the Ocean Awareness Art Contest is encouraging youth worldwide to take part in a creative challenge and discover novel ways to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis. Through submissions of visual art, poetry & spoken word, creative writing, film, music & dance, as well as interactive & multimedia, the Ocean Awareness Art Contest is looking for “innovative pieces that challenge our expectations for what climate change messaging should look like.” The contest is also divided into two categories: the Junior Division for ages 11-14, and the Senior Division for ages 15-18. With this art contest, there’s something for everyone!

The Kairos Times is a literary magazine dedicated to spreading awareness of global and cultural events through creativity and fiction. This incredible student-run magazine based at Sentinel is looking for submissions of fiction or nonfiction works focused on recounting or presenting a current international event of your choice through a narrative. Submissions of artwork that accompany accepted literary pieces, or act as stand-alone works, are also great! The deadline to get your work published in this year’s Kairos Times literary magazine has been extended to March 1st. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to get your work published and in print!
3: The Ten-Minute Play Contest
If you’re in Grade 11 and looking for something immersed in the world of theater and the performing arts, consider submitting a script to the Ten-Minute Play Contest organized by Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts. The rules are simple: you can submit one play, and that play must be—you guessed it—ten minutes long, or 10 pages, as this contest considers one page equivalent to one minute. The deadline for submissions is March 31st, so unleash your inner Shakespeare and start writing!
Write the World is a community of young writers aged 13-18 from all over the world. Each month, this organization holds a competition featuring a different genre, theme, and prompt. In February, the theme is writing that targets children; in March, Write the World is holding an op-ed competition. The winning entries of each month will be featured in the organization’s blog, so this is a great opportunity not only to exercise your writing skills, but to get professional recognition!
Are you interested in seeing more contests and opportunities not limited to art and writing? Check out Youth of Canada’s website, where you can find contests available for Canadian youth that range from photography and poetry to business and computing!