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A Glimpse of Clubs Day at Sentinel

Angela Tan

Ailee Guo and Margaret So from the Sentinel Harvest Project.

At the beginning of October, Sentinel hosted its highly awaited Clubs Day as a start to club activities and recruitment. Enlisting in clubs at Sentinel is an excellent opportunity to socialize and gain experience in areas such as fundraising, leadership, and volunteer hours. The Sentinel Sun has compiled an overview of various clubs that will hopefully allow you to find organizations that share the same objectives as you!

For those looking for a club dedicated to charity and fundraising for the community, joining clubs such as the Sentinel UNICEF, Harvest Project, and World Wildlife Fund would be a wonderful choice:

Isabella Dong and Shirley Zhang from the Sentinel CSC

Faith Li and Julia Kim from the Sentinel UNICEF

1. UNICEF Club

  • The UNICEF is a branch of the UN, responsible for distributing humanitarian aid to children worldwide

  • Fundraises for social issues (local and global)

  • Hoping to provide vaccination for poorer countries

2. Harvest Project

  • Reaching out to people across Metro-Vancouver’s North Shore challenged by family trauma, illness, job loss, and those oppressed by poverty

  • Providing grocery, nutrition, and clothing support

“Our objective is to engage students in organizing school drives, collecting funds, and distributing them throughout our community,” says Ailee, co-leader of the Harvest Project. Students in the club will coordinate fundraising events to help them develop the leadership and organizational skills that will come in handy in the future.

3. Sentinel World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

  • Hold fundraisers to collect money to give back to the environment.

“Not that many people have the chance to go out and try to sell stuff; we also want people to know that there are troubles on our planet and us humans have caused this damage.” mentions Mildred, co-leader of the WWF. It is important to raise awareness throughout our community about the environmental issues occurring on this planet and stop them before it’s too late.

There are also many other clubs that incorporate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in their endeavors–such as the Revolve STEM Club and Architecture Club–a perfect option for students who want to work in STEM fields in the future:

Alice Lee, Juliana Park, and Nerissa Wang from Revolve STEM

4. Revolve STEM Club

  • Destigmatizing STEM for the North Shore Community

“We’re hoping they’re open to trying things in general; they shouldn’t be scared by the stigma that surrounds STEM. Needing good grades is not true, there are so many different types of fields of STEM that you can pursue that would peak your interests if you just tried.” explains Nerissa, co-leader of the Revolve STEM. Many students are hesitant to study areas of STEM and haven’t had a chance to actually try and see what it is. Joining Revolve STEM will provide you further education in the STEM field and perhaps capture your interests.

5. Architecture Club

  • Teaching students more about engineering & architecture

  • Students will be able to draw and design houses

For students who are simply searching for a fun and memorable high school experience, there are clubs that aim to share their passions through activities, including the DJ Club and the Chinese Culture Club:

6. DJ Club

  • Fun activities & learn how to make music

“We hope to develop interests of music in students and create new concepts of music.” says Helen, co-leader of the DJ Club. Not only is the lighthearted environment created by music a great way to relieve stress from schoolwork, but spreading pop culture will enhance one’s sense of individuality.

7. Chinese Culture Club

  • Spreading Chinese culture, including Chinese art, food, traditional holidays and history through fun activities

The Chinese Culture Club, run by a group of enthusiastic Chinese students, is ready to cultivate interest about Chinese culture in students!

After reading through these short interviews with club leaders, we hope you have found a club or cause that attracts you. If you are interested in any other clubs, check out the Sentinel School website to get a full list of club names and their respective google classroom codes. Get involved in the Sentinel School community and spread Spartan Spirit by joining a club!



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